Equipment / Tools
Saddle Ridge property owners can borrow equipment and tools to help with clean-up on their property and around the community. The equipment and tools were purchased with Firewise funds.
Equipment Tools Safety Equipment
Blade brush Trimmer (2) Pruners Ear Protection
Cord Weed Wacker Loppers Eye Protection Pole Saw Pole Tree Trimmers Gloves
Back Pack Blower (2) Come-a-long Safety Vests
Trash pickers
Contact Dave Glarner ([email protected]) to schedule a time to meet at the barn to check out the equipmentl and tools.
Tractor / Chipper
The Saddle RIdge POA owns a tractor.
Saddle Ridge also has a chipper that will handle up to 4” logs. The chipper requires a team of volunteers. One volunteer must be authorized to use the tractor. The property owner must participate in the cleanup.